Thursday, January 20, 2011

Study, Study, then Study some more...

I was getting down to the wire. My N-CLEX date has finally arrived. Hopefully in a few days it will be EXCELLENT news... but now it's just a waiting game.
Ryan has been so sweet the last couple days. He had someone do the cleaning for us Tuesday and Wednesday so I could use that extra 3 hours to study with. Yesterday he said, "Do you want me to go to the store and get stuff to cook you dinner with?" So I had a yummy pasta dish for dinner that is one of my favorites. Then when I got out to my car he had text me and told me to call when I was finished with the test. When I got home he was cooking one of my absolute favorite breakfasts (that I normally only get 2 or 3 times a year), Eggs Benedict. It was perfection!!!
Last night it was so hard for me to stop studying and go to bed. I'm so nervous about letting eveyone down. He said, "Doesn't my confidence in you make you feel okay?" It really meant a lot to know that he truly believed I could pass. I sure hope it's good news...

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