Management paper done. Check. Psychology test done. Check. Writing assignment done. Check. No test until April 6. YAY!! I have some free time to update my blog... It's been almost 2 months so here is what's been going on with us.
Ryan and I traded in the cars that we have owned the longest in our lives. We said goodbye to the 4Runner and Subaru on February 10th. We had been test driving a few cars the previous weekend and that day. We found some we liked. You should have seen the look of shock on the salespersons face when we asked, "What kind of deal can you make us if we buy 2 cars today?" He thought we were just deciding on one and were trying out a range of options. We sure surprised him and probably made his day. We decided this could be our Valentine's presents to each other. I got a BMW X5 and Ryan picked a Lexus IS 250. They are pretty sweet!!

School has been going really well. I don't have any more clinicals until April so Feb and March have been pretty nice. April will be much busier since I have clinicals and tests every week but it will all be worth it. I think I am finally getting the hang of it though because I have done really well on my last 4 tests. Either that or I have just finally learned how to guess correctly. School is much better when you are doing well.
Work has been super busy the last month and I have had the oppurtunity to work a few extras. It's not the most fun to work more than you have to but the money is nice... and it's much easier when you love your job and the people you work with. Hopefully I can get myself to work a few more so we can get the basement finally finished. It has been a long project but it is getting so close! We just have to get the trim painted and then all that's left is tile, carpet, and all the finish stuff. We should have a lot more space in no time. I can't wait!! Then we will need some volunteers to move my eliptical. I've heard it's quite heavy- when I got it, 3 guys had to carry it upstairs. Any takers???
We are going to Las Vegas next week for a little getaway. I'm so excited- I want to lay by the pool all day long!! Our niece is having her second baby in April. Hopefully Max will make his debut a little early and we can meet him while we are down there. Can't wait to see them and maybe get a personal tour of Pirates Cove. Maybe we can get a few more pictures than last time and I can post before it's June. LOL.