Saturday, April 30, 2011

The End of an Era

Ryan and I have been cleaning the same office building 5 days a week for 11 years and 4 months. Today was our last day... it is bettersweet for me. We will start cleaning another building in July but I was so sad today because I know everything about this building.
I know how long a roll of toilet paper or paper towels will last in certain bathrooms, I know who drives what car so I won't be surprised when a person is in an office, I know on any given Sunday there will still be 2 or 3 people working on the 4th floor, I know that if the white 4-runner is not in the parking lot it will be back because he likes to work late, I know about people's children and things they have going on in their lives, I know that in her garbage can she will have her lunch in an old grocery bag and that will be the only thing there. Even though I am glad to have this 2 month break I will be sad not to see their smiling faces anymore everyday when I go in to clean. I don't want to learn all these things over again at a new place.
Ryan is laughing at me because I cried a little about it today. Just sad because it has been my life for so long. Oh well, on to bigger and better things I guess.