Ryan and I went down to our favorite vacation spot the first weekend in June... you guessed it, Vegas! Our niece and her family have lived down there for 6 years but our nephew moved down the beginning of March and his family followed in May. We were able to spend some time alone together and some fun family time with them. It was awesome to be in the HOTTTT weather!!
106 is no match for me! The first night we hit the Seafood Buffet. Ryan had LOTS of crab and I had LOTS of pizza!! MMM MMM.
We took the "Pirate House" boat out on Lake Mead. The water was cold but felt soooo good since it was so hot outside. Cory is the only one that wake boarded but the rest of us swam in the lake.

Here is Max. He was born in April. He was loving the boat!

Here are Justin and Hadley. You can see Noah in the corner.

Jessica and Max

Cory and Kate. Kate and I became great friends on this trip. We'll have to go back even more frequently so she doesn't forget who I am. That's Ryan in the corner. He loves pictures!!

I had to take this picture. So we pulled into the lake and the boat wouldn't start. If this was as far as we got I wanted to capture the memory. So, Amber and I hiked to the marina to get a jump box. In the meantime, someone jumped them and got them started so it turned out to be a waste of a walk- or so I thought. We kept the jump box with us just in case and when we were stuck out in the middle of the lake and the boat wouldn't start again we were sure glad we had it!! It was a fun, hot, tiring day but relaxing at the same time.